Juli, El

Juli, El

▪ Spanish bullfighter
byname of  Julián López Escobar 
born Oct. 3, 1982, Madrid, Spain
 Spanish matador, who created a sensation in the bullfighting world at the end of the 20th century.

      López was nine years old when he caped his first calf, and his parents, recognizing his talent, enrolled him in the Madrid Academy of Tauromachy, where he excelled for four years. Because of his youth, he was not allowed to compete in the main arenas of Spain, so at age 15 he went to Mexico to perform in the corridas there and gain experience. His work electrified the crowds, who were galvanized not only by his bravery at such a young age but also by his great variety of cape passes, his sureness with the sword, and his superb work with the banderillas, which he placed himself. He is known for his trademark caracol, or “snail,” pass, in which he twirls his cape in a spiral fashion as the bull approaches.

      In 1997 López became the only Spanish novillero (apprentice) in the long history of corridas at La Plaza in Mexico City, the largest bullring in the world, to register an indulto, in which the bull's life is spared because of the courageous nature of his performance; the special bull is then put out to stud. López received the alternativa—the ceremony in which a novillero becomes a matador de toros (senior matador)—in September 1998 in Nîmes, France; at age 15 he was the youngest ever to do so. In 1999 he performed 134 times in Spain, France, Portugal, and Latin America. On three of those occasions he acted as the lone matador, killing all six bulls of the corrida himself. By 2000 López was, at 17, the highest-paid matador of all time. He had been seriously gored several times.

Barnaby Conrad

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Universalium. 2010.

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