- Jovanović, Slobodan
▪ prime minister of Yugoslaviaborn Dec. 3, 1869, Neusatz, Austria-Hungarydied Dec. 12, 1958, LondonSerbian jurist, historian, and statesman, prime minister in the Yugoslav government-in-exile during World War II (Jan. 11, 1942–June 26, 1943). Liberal in his social and political views, he was perhaps Yugoslavia's greatest authority on constitutional law; also a master of Serbian prose style, he was for nearly half a century a leader of the Serbian intelligentsia.After studying law at Geneva, Jovanović entered the Serbian diplomatic service in 1890. From 1897 to 1939 he was a professor at the University of Belgrade, and on two occasions he was its vice chancellor. In 1941, just before the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia, he was appointed deputy prime minister. In the Yugoslav government-in-exile (in London), he was deputy minister of war as well as prime minister. When, after World War II, the Allies recognized the Communist government of Yugoslavia, Jovanović became president of the Yugoslav National Committee in exile. In July 1946 he was condemned in absentia to 20 years' hard labour.Besides his prewar historical and other works (collected in 17 volumes, 1932–40), Jovanović wrote O totalitarizmu (“On Totalitarianism”; 1952) and Moji savremenici (“My Contemporaries”; published posthumously, 1961–62).
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Universalium. 2010.