John of Fordun — (d. c. 1384) was a Scottish chronicler. It is generally stated that he was born at Fordoun, Mearns. It is certain that he was a secular priest, and that he composed his history in the latter part of the 14th century; and it is probable that he… … Wikipedia
John of Fordun — Jean de Fordun Jean de Fordun (né en 1384), ou John of Fordun, était un chroniqueur écossais. Il est généralement dit qu il était né à Fordoun, se trouvant maintenant en Aberdeenshire. On sait avec certitude qu il était un prêtre séculier, c est… … Wikipédia en Français
Fordun — John Fordun († kurz nach 1363[1] oder um 1387[2] ) war ein schottischer Chronist, dessen Werk der Historiker Walter Bower um 1440 als „Scotichronicon“ erweiterte und fortsetzte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 Ausgabe 4 Literat … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Fordun — († kurz nach 1363[1] oder um 1387[2]) war ein schottischer Chronist, dessen Werk der Historiker Walter Bower um 1440 als „Scotichronicon“ erweiterte und fortsetzte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 A … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Scotus (Bishop of Dunkeld) — John Scotus (Latin: Johannes cognomine Scotus , also referred to as John the Scot or l Escot) was a 12th century Bishop of St. Andrews and Dunkeld. John had studied at the University of Oxford and the University of Paris before beginning his… … Wikipedia
John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall — (August 25 1316 ndash; September 13 1336) was the son of Edward II of England and Isabella of France. He was born in 1316 at Eltham Palace, Kent and was created Earl of Cornwall on 6 October 1328. He was due to marry Maria, daughter of Ferdinand… … Wikipedia
John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch — or John the Red , also known simply as the Red Comyn, (died 10 February 1306), was a Scottish nobleman who was Lord of Badenoch. His father, another John Comyn, known as the Black Comyn, was one of the Competitors for the Crown of Scotland,… … Wikipedia
John Comyn, Earl of Buchan — (died 1308) was a Scottish nobleman and an important opponent of King Robert I of Scotland in the civil war that paralleled the War of Scottish Independence. He should not be confused with the better known John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch, who… … Wikipedia
John III Comyn — John III Comyn, Señor de Badenoch Saltar a navegación, búsqueda John III Comyn, Señor de Badenoch Fallecimiento 10 de febrero de 1306 Greyfriars Church, Dumfries … Wikipedia Español
John III Comyn, Señor de Badenoch — Fallecimiento 10 de febrero de 1306 Greyfriars Church, Dumfries Causa& … Wikipedia Español