Jodelle, Étienne

Jodelle, Étienne

French author
born 1532, Paris, France
died July 1573, Paris

      French dramatist and poet, one of the seven members of the literary circle known as La Pléiade, who applied the aesthetic principles of the group to drama.

      Jodelle aimed at creating a classical drama that in every respect would be different from the moralities and mysteries then occupying the French stage; he succeeded in producing the first modern French tragedy and comedy. These plays have the reputation of being unactable and unreadable, but they set a new example that prepared the ground for the great Neoclassical tragedians Corneille and Racine. His first play, Cléopâtre captive, a tragedy in verse, was presented before the court at Paris in 1553. The cast included his friends Rémy Belleau and Jean de La Péruse. Jodelle wrote two other plays, Eugène (1552), a comedy, and Didon se sacrifiant, another verse tragedy, based on Virgil's account of Dido.

      In the prologue to Eugéne Jodelle explained his theory of comedy. It must deal with people of low or middle class because, he argued, among them can be found the crudity and ignorance that are the stuff of comedy. Tragedy, on the other hand, must have as its characters kings or other nobility, like the audiences for which it is written, because the populace would not understand the classical allusions of tragedy.

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