

Wade-Giles romanization  Chiu-ch'üan , also spelled  Kiuchüan 
 city, western Gansu sheng (province), China. An important staging post on the ancient Silk Road to Central Asia, Jiuquan was founded in 111 BCE as a military outpost. From 602 CE onward it was the seat of Suzhou prefecture, and under the Tang dynasty (618907) it was given its present name. From the 5th century onward, it became the seat of a cult centred on two sets of cave temples in Wenshu (Mañjúsrī's) Mountain about 9 miles (14 km) to the southwest. Subsequently, however, because of the decay of the old Silk Road, the city became comparatively insignificant and remained so until the 20th century.

      Jiuquan's modern development began in the late 1950s with the discovery of vast iron-ore deposits at Mount Jingtie to the south and the development of coal mines at Shandan to the southeast, both served by the Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway. A large integrated iron and steel plant subsequently was built near Jiuquan. Other local industries include chemical production, the manufacture of electrical machinery, and papermaking. Jiquan is noted for its renowned brilliantly coloured yeguangbei (“night-glittering cup”) jade goblets, which continue to be a valuable local handiwork. Just to the west of the city stands Jiayu Pass, the western terminus of the Great Wall (Great Wall of China). One of China's major rocket-launching facilities is located north of Jiuquan. Pop. (2002 est.) 121,975.

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