Janssens, Abraham

Janssens, Abraham

Flemish painter
also called  Abraham Janssens Van Nuyssen  
born c. 1573, , Antwerp
died Jan. 25, 1632, Antwerp

      Flemish painter who was the leading exponent of the classical Baroque style in Flanders during the early 17th century. His stylistic development indicates that he was in Rome between 1598 and 1601 and probably revisited the city sometime between 1602 and 1610. His earliest pictures are characteristic of the northern Mannerist tradition. In about 1610 he was influenced by the dramatic lighting and vigorous modelling of Caravaggio and the Roman Baroque school. His mature style, however, was largely shaped by such classicists of the Bolognese school as the Carracci and Domenichino. After 1625 he fell under the spell of Rubens (Rubens, Peter Paul), as did most artists in Flanders at the time, and his technique became looser and his compositions more animated.

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  • Janssens, Abraham — • Flemish painter, b. at Antwerp about 1573; d. probably in the same place about 1631 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abraham Janssens —     Abraham Janssens     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abraham Janssens     Flemish painter, b. at Antwerp about 1573; d. probably in the same place about 1631. He is also known as Janssens Van Nuyssen, and several of his pictures are signed with… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Abraham Janssen — Scaldis and Antwerpia Abraham Janssen, 1609 Huile sur bois 174 × 308 cm Musée royal des Beaux Arts d Anvers …   Wikipédia en Français

  • JANSSENS (A.) — JANSSENS ABRAHAM (1575/76 1632) Au début du XVIIe siècle, Abraham Janssens est un des plus intéressants peintres d’histoire du milieu anversois, ne serait ce que par sa complexité stylistique qui le place en marge de Rubens. Il est, un moment,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Janssens — Janssens, Abraham, niederländ. Maler, geb. um 1575 in Antwerpen, gest. daselbst im Januar 1632, wurde 1585 Schüler von Jan Snellinck und trat 1601 als Meister in die Lukasgilde. In seinen religiösen Bildern, unter denen die Grablegung Christi… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Janssens — Janssens, Abraham, niederländ. Historienmaler, geb. um 1575 zu Antwerpen, Nebenbuhler von Rubens, gest. das. Jan. 1632. – Cornelis J., geb. 1593 in London, gest. um 1664 in Amsterdam, und Bikt. Honorius J., geb. 1664 zu Brüssel, gest. das. 1739,… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Abraham Janssens — Scaldis y Antwerpia, alegoría del río Escalda y la ciudad de Amberes, 1609, óleo sobre tabla, Museo Real de Bellas Artes de Amberes. Abraham Janssens (o Jansens) van Nuyssen (c. 1575 1632) fue un pintor flamenco del periodo barroco activo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Abraham Janssens — (or Jansens) van Nuyssen (c. 1567/1576 1632) was a Flemish painter.He was born at Antwerp, in a year variously reported between 1567 and 1576. He studied under Jan Snellinck, was a master in 1602, and in 1607 was dean of the master painters. He… …   Wikipedia

  • Janssens — may refer to:* Abraham Janssens (circa 1567 1632), Flemish painter * Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen (1593 1661), Dutch portrait painter * Johann Hermann Janssens (1783 1853), Belgian theologian * Jan Willem Janssens (1762 1838), Dutch soldier and… …   Wikipedia

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