Jacobs, W.W.

Jacobs, W.W.

▪ English writer
in full  William Wymark Jacobs 
born Sept. 8, 1863, London
died Sept. 1, 1943, London

      English short-story writer best known for his classic horror story “The Monkey's Paw.”

      His early home was a house on a Thames River wharf, where his father was manager. His first volume, Many Cargoes (1896), had an immediate success and was followed by two others, The Skipper's Wooing (1897) and Sea Urchins (1898). “The Monkey's Paw” (first published in The Lady of the Barge, 1902), a tale of superstition and terror unfolding within a realistic, Dickensian setting of domestic warmth and coziness, is a felicitous example of Jacobs' ability to combine everyday life and gentle humour with exotic adventure and dread. An omnibus, Snug Harbour, containing some 17 volumes of Jacobs' work, was published in 1931.

Additional Reading
John D. Cloy, Pensive Jester: The Literary Career of W.W. Jacobs (1996).

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