International Whaling Commission

International Whaling Commission

      an intergovernmental organization that regulates whaling, a competitive industry based on the hunting of a common global resource. The commission was created after World War II by the Allied Powers, who were eager to increase fat and meat supplies but noted previous failures to control the rapid escalation of whaling. In 1946 the Allies invited interested countries to a Convention for the Regulation of Whaling; 14 responded, agreeing to a Schedule of rules and creating the IWCto provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.” At the beginning of the 21st century, 40 countries belonged to the commission, but membership has fluctuated over the years. Member countries each send one voting commissioner to annual meetings held in Britain or elsewhere. One of the commissioners is elected to a three-year term as chairman. At annual meetings, commissioners review and revise policy (the Schedule of the Convention) and encourage and publish scientific research. Changes to the Schedule require a three-quarters majority and are binding on members unless formal objections are registered.

      The work of the IWC is done principally through finance-administration, technical, and scientific committees; other committees address aboriginal whaling, rule-breaking, and ad hoc matters. Committees are coordinated by the IWC secretary and staff in Cambridge, England. The scientific committee in particular supports the IWC's management procedures (i.e., regulations) by studying whale biology and by assessing whale populations and sustainable catches. Enforcement of regulations is the responsibility of national governments.

      During the IWC's first decades, the chief regulations concerned closed seasons, closed areas, and global whale-catching quotas. Quotas were initially expressed in Blue Whale Units (BWUs), with 1 BWU equaling 2 fin, 2.5 humpback, or 6 sei whales. The BWU, however, did not accurately reflect the number of whales killed, since it focused on their supposed massthe vital measure being oil, not the whales themselves. Subsequently, quotas were set by individual species. In any event, success was limited by governments' leaving the IWC, ignoring contraventions, or breaching regulations. With its powers limited to persuasion and constrained by political interests, the IWC failed to conserve either the great whales or the whalers. The number of whale catches rose from about 35,000 in 1946 to a peak of 66,000 in 1962. Thereafter, as whale stocks declined, the IWC's quotas usually exceeded catches, and most countries stopped whaling by 1970.

      With little whaling to oversee, the IWC changed its membership and focus. Many nonwhaling members joined after the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, and IWC meetings became a focal point for anti- and pro-whaling nongovernmental organizations. The issue was now the very survival of the great whales. In 1982, after a decade of debates, the IWC instituted a trial moratorium on commercial whaling for 198690, pending scientific investigation of stocks. Great diplomacy was necessary afterward to avoid a split between conservationists, who expected a regime of sustainable whaling, and preservationists, who opposed any whaling on ethical grounds. In 1994 the commission endorsed a management procedure toensure that the risk to individual stocks is not seriously increased, while allowing the highest continuing yield,” and declared that the moratorium was now an indefinitepause in commercial whaling.” By 2000 the IWC's primary concern was with refining controls for small whales and whaling in coastal waters.

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