Innitzer, Theodor

Innitzer, Theodor

Austrian cardinal
born Dec. 25, 1875, Weipert, Bohemia
died Oct. 9, 1955, Vienna

      cardinal and primate of Austria who withdrew his original support of the Nazi regime and became devoted to the reconstruction of the Austrian Church.

      The son of a lace maker, Innitzer was ordained priest in 1902. He taught at a Viennese seminary and later (1910) lectured on New Testament exegesis at the University of Vienna, where, in 1918, he became head of the theological faculty; he was appointed rector of the university in 1928. Under Johann Schober, chancellor of Austria, Innitzer was federal minister of social welfare. On Sept. 20, 1932, he was consecrated archbishop of Vienna, becoming cardinal in March 1933.

      Innitzer upheld the authoritarian policies of Engelbert Dollfuss, prime minister of Austria (193234), a representative of the Christian Socialists. When Germany occupied Austria in 1938, Innitzer first supported the Nazi regime but was rapidly disillusioned by various secularizing measures of the new government and by attacks on his archiepiscopal palace by Nazi mobs (Oct. 8, 1938). After a rebuke by Pope Pius XI, Innitzer ceased to approve Nazism. His home subsequently became a refuge for Jews, while he strove to alleviate public distress and to restore the Austrian Church, disassociating himself from politics. In 1945 he founded the Vienna Catholic Academy for the training of the laity.

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Universalium. 2010.

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