Imperial Chemical Industries PLC
- Imperial Chemical Industries PLC
▪ British corporation
major British corporation that was founded in 1926 as Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
to amalgamate four major British chemical companies: Brunner,
Mond &
Nobel Industries Ltd.,
United Alkali Company Ltd.,
and British Dyestuffs Corporation Ltd.
Between World Wars I and II,
ICI was a major competitor of Germany'
s IG Farben,
the cartel formed in 1925 (
and dissolved by the Allies after World War II).
By the late 1970s,
ICI ranked below all three successors to IG Farben (
and Bayer corporations)
in terms of sales but was still the largest chemical concern in the United Kingdom.
s headquarters are in London.
s constituent companies in 1926 produced chemicals,
nonferrous metals,
and paints,
and the group went on to produce a wider range of chemicals,
synthetic fibres (
especially polyesters and nylon),
and plastics.
In 1993 ICI split off its drug,
and specialty chemical concerns into a new corporation named Zeneca Group PLC.
The parent company continued to produce industrial polymers and other chemicals,
and explosives.
In 1997 ICI bought the specialty chemicals business of Unilever.
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Imperial Chemical Industries PLC — [ɪm pɪərɪəl kemɪkl ɪndəstrɪz ], Abkürzung ICI [aɪsi aɪ], britischer Chemiekonzern, gegründet 1926 (als Gegengewicht zur I. G. Farbenindustrie AG); Sitz: London; Umsatz (2000): 6,42 Mrd. £, Beschäftigte: rd. 45 000 … Universal-Lexikon
Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (ICI) — Major British chemical corporation. It was founded in 1926 as Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. to amalgamate four major British chemical companies. Between World Wars I and II, ICI was a major competitor of IG Farben. Today it produces… … Universalium
Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (ICI) — Gran empresa química británica. Fue fundada en 1926 con la razón social Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. para amalgamar cuatro importantes compañías químicas británicas. Entre la Primera y la segunda guerra mundial, ICI era una significativa… … Enciclopedia Universal
Imperial Chemical Industries — plc Création 1926 Siège social … Wikipédia en Français
Imperial Chemical Industries — Необходимо проверить качество перевода и привести статью в соответствие со стилистическими правилами Википедии. Вы можете помочь улучшить эту статью, исправив в ней ошибки. Оригинал на английском яз … Википедия
Imperial Chemical Industries — Infobox Company company name = Imperial Chemical Industries company company type = Subsidiary foundation = 1926 location = Slough, England, UK key people = Peter Ellwood (Chairman) John McAdam (CEO) industry = Chemicals products = Paints… … Wikipedia
PLC — Estas siglas pueden tener dos significados: 1. Programmable logic controller o Controlador lógico programable. 2. P ower L ine C ommunications o comunicaciones utilizando las líneas eléctricas. * * * (as used in expressions) BP PLC British… … Enciclopedia Universal
PLC — Brit. public limited company. * * * (as used in expressions) Guinness PLC Imperial Chemical Industries PLC Rolls Royce PLC BP PLC British Petroleum Co. PLC British American Tobacco PLC B.A.T Industries PLC 1976–98 * * * … Universalium
chemical — chemically, adv. /kem i keuhl/, n. 1. a substance produced by or used in a chemical process. 2. chemicals, Slang. narcotic or mind altering drugs or substances. adj. 3. of, used in, produced by, or concerned with chemistry or chemicals: a… … Universalium
imperial — imperial1 imperially, adv. imperialness, n. /im pear ee euhl/, adj. 1. of, like, or pertaining to an empire. 2. of, like, or pertaining to an emperor or empress. 3. characterizing the rule or authority of a sovereign state over its dependencies.… … Universalium