

      southern coastal district, New South Wales, Australia, extending 110 miles (180 km) from Bald Hill (north of Stanwell Park) south to the Shoalhaven River and Batemans Bay and from the shore west to the Illawarra Range of the Eastern Highlands, occupying an area of 2,200 square miles (5,800 square km). Its name derives from a corruption of the Aboriginal word alowrie, meaninghigh pleasant place by the sea.” Sighted in 1770 by the British navigator Captain James Cook, it was first explored in 1796 by Matthew Flinders and George Bass. In the 1820s the district supported a cedar-wood industry and now embraces the industrial city of Wollongong, the coal deposits at Bulli, rich dairylands in the south, beach resorts, and a prosperous offshore-fishing industry. Port Kembla, the chief port for the area, is a major centre of metal manufacturing, including iron and steel works. Lake Illawarra is a shallow lagoon located 50 miles (80 km) south of Sydney; the 8,500 acres (3,400 hectares) of Lake Illawarra provide good prawning grounds.

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