Ikeya-Seki, Comet

Ikeya-Seki, Comet

 long-period comet that is one of a group of Sun-grazing comets having similar orbits and including the great comet known as 1882 II. Comet Ikeya-Seki was discovered Sept. 18, 1965, by two Japanese amateur astronomers, Ikeya Kaoru and Seki Tsutomu. Moving in a retrograde orbit, the comet made its closest approach to the Sun on Oct. 21, 1965, at a distance less than a solar radius from the surface. The comet was then bright enough to be seen with the naked eye in daylight. Like the similarly spectacular Comet 1882 II, it was fragmented by tides induced by its proximity to the Sun; Ikeya-Seki gave astronomers their first chance since 1882 to study a comet in such conditions. It is assumed that the group of Sun-grazing comets to which Ikeya-Seki belongs represents the remnants of a single, larger comet that also was fragmented by solar tides at some time in the past.

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