Ibn al-Bawwab — was Arabic calligrapher and illuminator who lived during the time of the Buyid dynasty. He most likely died around 1022 AD in Baghdad. One of his largest achievements was the perfection of the al Khatt al Mansub (literally, the well proportioned… … Wikipedia
Ibn al-Bawwab — Coran écrit signé par Ibn al Bawwab, considéré comme le premier exemple de Coran en écriture cursive, Chester Beatty Library (en), Dublin … Wikipédia en Français
Ibn Muqlah — Abu ali Muhammad Ibn ali Ibn Muqlah Shirazi (Persian: ابن مقله شیرازی) of Iranian Origin (born 886 in Baghdad died 20 July 940 there) was an Islamic calligrapher, one of the foremost of the Abbasid age. It is thought that he invented the thuluth… … Wikipedia
Ibn Muqla — Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Muqla Shirazi (persan : ابن مقلهٔ شیرازی), né en 886 à Bagdad, mort le 20 juillet 940 à Bagdad, était un calligraphe islamique, un des plus grands de l époque abbasside. On pense qu il a inventé le script thuluth … Wikipédia en Français
Islamic calligraphy — 18th century writing in Ottoman calligraphy. Depicts the phrase In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Gracious Islamic calligraphy, colloquially known as Perso Arabic calligraphy, is the artistic practice of handwriting, or calligraphy, and by… … Wikipedia
naskhī script — ▪ calligraphy Islāmic style of handwritten alphabet developed in the 4th century of the Islāmic era (i.e., the 10th century AD). From the beginning of Islāmic writing, two kinds of scripts existed side by side those used for everyday… … Universalium
Islamische Kalligrafie — Wichtige Utensilien Proportionslehre … Deutsch Wikipedia
Styles calligraphiques arabes — Article principal : Écriture de l arabe. Les styles calligraphiques arabes se sont développés dès les premiers temps de l islam, avec la diffusion des livres de tous types dans l aire géographique de dar al islam. La calligraphie est d… … Wikipédia en Français
calligraphy — calligrapher, calligraphist, n. calligraphic /kal i graf ik/, calligraphical, adj. calligraphically, adv. /keuh lig reuh fee/, n. 1. fancy penmanship, esp. highly decorative handwriting, as with a great many flourishes: She appreciated the… … Universalium
Yaqut al-Musta'simi — (également yakoute i Musta simi), mort en 1298, était un célèbre calligraphe et le secrétaire du dernier calife abbasside Al Musta sim à Bagdad. Il continua ensuite sous les Mongols après la chute du califat abbasside en 1258. Il a codifié six… … Wikipédia en Français