Iacchus — In Greek mythology, Iacchus ( el. Ίακχος) is an epithet of DionysusFact|date=January 2008, particularly associated with the Mysteries at Eleusis, where he was considered to be the son of Zeus and Demeter. Iacchus was the torch bearer of the… … Wikipedia
Iacchus — Dieser Artikel behandelt den griechischen Gott. Zu weiteren Bedeutungen von Dionysos siehe Dionysos (Begriffsklärung). Zu Trägern des Namens Dionysius (bzw. Dionysios) siehe dort. Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ίακχος — (iacchus). Πλατύρρινος δενδρόβιος πίθηκος της Αμερικής, είδος ουιστιτί της οικογένειας των καλλιτριχιδών. Το ύψος του φτάνει τα 30 εκ. και η μακριά ουρά του (έως 50 εκ.) τον κάνει να μοιάζει με σκίουρο. Το κεφάλι του είναι στρογγυλό και άτριχο,… … Dictionary of Greek
ИАКХ — • Iacchus, см. Dionysus, Дионис, 5 и Eleusinia, Элевсинский культ … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Dionysus — Bacchus redirects here. For other uses, see Bacchus (disambiguation). This article is about the Greco Roman deity. For other uses of the names Dionysus and Dionysos , see Dionysos (disambiguation). For other uses of the theophoric name Dionysius … Wikipedia
Uistiti — (Seidenaffe, Saguinchen, Hapale Illig., Arctopithecus Geoffr.), Geschlecht der Affen der neuen Welt, als Übergangsform zu den Makis; Kopf rund, Gesicht platt, Nasenlöcher seitlich; Backentaschen fehlen, der lange, buschig behaarte Schwanz ist… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Eleusinian Mysteries — Topics in Greek mythology Gods Primordial gods and Titans Zeus and the Olympians Pan and the nymphs Apollo and Dionysus Sea gods and Earth gods Heroes Heracles and his Labors Achilles and the Trojan War … Wikipedia
Chthonic — This article is about the Greek deities. For the band, see Chthonic (band). For other uses, see Chthon (disambiguation). Greek deities series Primordial deities Titans and Olympian deities Aquatic deities Personified concepts Other deities Chth … Wikipedia
Baubo — ( el. Βαυβώ) is an old woman in Greek mythology who jested with Demeter when she was mourning the loss of her daughter Persephone.In his Greek Myths , Robert Graves writes that Demeter (in disguise) was the guest of King Celeus in Eleusis. The… … Wikipedia
Cult of Dionysus — The Cult of Dionysus is strongly associated with satyrs, centaurs, and sileni, and its characteristic symbols are the bull, the serpent, the ivy, and the wine. The Dionysia and Lenaia festivals in Athens were dedicated to Dionysus, as well as the … Wikipedia