Humite — is an orthorhombic mineral of a transparent vitreous brown to orange color. It is found in the volcanically ejected masses of Vesuvius. It is a nesosilicate of iron and magnesium which also contains fluorine and hydroxide. The formula is:… … Wikipedia
Humite — Hum ite, n. [Named after Sir A. Hume.] (Min.) A mineral of a transparent vitreous brown color, found in the ejected masses of Vesuvius. It is a silicate of iron and magnesia, containing fluorine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
*humite — ● humite nom féminin (de Hume, nom propre) Silicate naturel de magnésium, avec du fer et du fluor, voisin des péridots … Encyclopédie Universelle
Humite — Croissance d un humite (en mauve) Ce groupe a d’étroites parentés cristallographiques, physiques, chimiques, et de paragenèse avec les silicates d alumine, il se rapproche aussi de la forstérite et il comprend, entre autres : La norbergite… … Wikipédia en Français
humite — humusinės anglys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Iš durpių susidariusios anglys. atitikmenys: angl. humic coal; humite; humus coal rus. гумит; гумолит; гумусовый уголь ryšiai: sinonimas – humitas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
humite — humitas statusas T sritis chemija formulė (Mg,Fe)₇·[(OH,F)₂|(SiO₄)₃] atitikmenys: angl. humite rus. гумит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
humite group — noun : a group of isomorphous minerals consisting of olivine, chondrodite, humite, and clinohumite and closely resembling one another in chemical composition, physical properties, and crystallization … Useful english dictionary
humite — hum·ite … English syllables
humite — ˈhyüˌmīt noun ( s) Etymology: Sir Abraham Hume died 1838 English mineral collector + English ite : a white, yellow, brown, or red mineral Mg7Si3O12(F1OH)2 consisting of a basic magnesium silicate containing fluorine that is brittle and of… … Useful english dictionary
Clinohumite — Side View of a cushion cut clinohumite gemstone, 21.34 carats (4.27 g), 17.8 x 16 mm General Category Mineral … Wikipedia