Huidobro, Vicente

Huidobro, Vicente

Chilean writer
in full  Vicente García Huidobro Fernández  
born January 10, 1893, Santiago, Chile
died January 2, 1948, Santiago

      Chilean poet, self-proclaimed father of the short-lived avant-garde movement known as Creacionismo (“ creationism”). Huidobro was a prominent figure in the post-World War I literary vanguard in Paris and Madrid as well as at home in Chile, and he did much to introduce his countrymen to contemporary European, especially French, innovations in poetic form and imagery.

      In 1916, after publishing several collections of poetry in Chile and achieving recognition and notoriety for such literary manifestos as Non serviam (1914; “I Will Not Serve”), in which he rejected the entire poetic past, Huidobro went to Paris. There he collaborated with the avant-garde French poets Guillaume Apollinaire (Apollinaire, Guillaume) and Pierre Reverdy (Reverdy, Pierre) on the influential literary review Nord-Sud (“North-South”). During this period Creationism was invented, whether by him or by Reverdy is moot; certainly Huidobro was its most vociferous exponent. In Poemas árticos (1918; “Arctic Poems”) and Saisons choisies (1921; “Chosen Seasons”), the latter in French, he exemplified his Creationist theories with incongruous juxtapositions of striking images and random, seemingly irrational, sequences of words and letters of the alphabet.

      Huidobro went to Madrid in 1918, where he was enthusiastically received in avant-garde literary circles and where in 1921 he was one of the founders of Ultraísmo ( Ultraism), the Spanish offshoot of Creationism. Traveling frequently between Europe and Chile, he was largely responsible for creating the climate of literary experimentation, based on French models, that prevailed in post-World War I Chile. He accomplished this as much through his well-publicized exploits (such as his semiserious candidacy for the presidency of Chile) as through his frequent magazine articles and poetry.

      Continuing to write in the Creationist idiom in such novels as Sátiro; o, el poder de las palabras (1939; “Satyr; or, the Power of Words”), Huidobro also remained a prolific poet in that style long after the movement itself had collapsed. Although his vogue faded for a time, his work continued to exert a strong influence on later Latin American poets.

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