Hubmaier, Balthasar

Hubmaier, Balthasar

German Anabaptist leader
born 1485, Friedberg, near Augsburg, Bavaria [Germany]
died March 10, 1528, Vienna [now in Austria]

      early German Reformation figure and leader of the Anabaptists, advocates of adult baptism.

      Hubmaier received his doctor of theology degree after studies at the universities at Freiburg and Ingolstadt, and he was appointed cathedral preacher at Regensburg in 1516. In 1521 he arrived in Switzerland, where he soon became a leader of the fledgling Anabaptists. Persecuted even by the Zwinglians (Zwingli, Huldrych) for his beliefs, he was arrested in 1525 at Zürich and forced to recant his views. Subsequently, however, he resumed his Anabaptist proselytizing, first in Augsburg and later in Nikolsburg, Moravia (now Mikulov, Czech Republic). Especially influential through his writings, Hubmaier represented the moderate strain of the Anabaptist movement, in contrast to the eschatalogical emphasis of Hans Hut. Hubmaier's theological erudition is revealed in his writings on free will and governmental authority, in which he held to the minority position among Anabaptists that Christians may participate in wars. Constantly hunted by imperial authorities, Hubmaier ultimately was captured and burned at the stake as a heretic at Vienna.

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