Huang Gongwang

Huang Gongwang

Chinese painter
Wade-Giles romanization  Huang Kung-wang  
born 1269, Changshu, Jiangsu province, China
died 1354
 oldest of the group of Chinese painters later known as the Four Masters of the Yuan dynasty (12061368). He was often cited meritoriously by later painters and critics for his rectitude (even though he briefly served in a junior capacity in the Mongol administration) and for his intense association with nature.

      Huang spent most of his later years in retirement in the Fuchun Mountains, which he recorded in a long hand scroll produced over a three-year period (134750). He is known also for his accomplishments in literary arts and thus is listed among the paragons of theliterati painting” ( wenrenhua) ideal. His style of and attitude toward landscape painting stand at a pivotal midpoint between such ancient masters as Dong Yuan and Juran in the Five Dynasties period and Shen Zhou, Dong Qichang, the Four Wangs, and others of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

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Universalium. 2010.

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