- Hovland, Carl I.
▪ American psychologistborn June 12, 1912, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.died April 16, 1961, Hamden, ConnecticutAmerican psychologist who pioneered the study of social communication and the modification of attitudes and beliefs.After receiving his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1936, Hovland became a member of the Yale faculty. His early work was in experimental psychology, on learning. Between 1942 and 1945 he worked for the U.S. War Department, studying the effectiveness of training films and information programs, especially audience resistance to persuasive communications and methods of overcoming such resistance. This work formed the basis for Experiments on Mass Communication (1949), with Arthur A. Lumsdaine and Fred D. Sheffield as coauthors.After World War II Hovland returned to Yale, where he served as chairman of the department of psychology (1945–51) and was appointed Sterling Professor of Psychology (1947). He directed further studies in attitude and communication, particularly on the prestige of the communicator and the order of presentation of arguments as they influence the effectiveness of persuasive communication. The results of these studies were published in Communication and Persuasion (1953; reprinted 1961), by Hovland, I.L. Janis, and H.H. Kelley, and in later monographs. This research led Hovland to an analysis of symbolic processes and to work in the field of computer simulation of human thought processes.
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Universalium. 2010.