Hishām ibn al-Kalbī

Hishām ibn al-Kalbī

▪ Arab scholar
in full  Hishām ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Kalbī , also called  Abū al-Mundhir  
born before 747, Al-Kūfah, Iraq
died 819/821, Al-Kūfah

      scholar of the customs, lineage, and battles of the early Arabs.

      Hishām's father was a distinguished scholar of Kūfah who endeavoured to put into writing oral traditions gathered from Bedouins and professional reciters. Hishām is said to have taught in Baghdad, perhaps late in life. He wrote extensively on the early Arabs and on religion. His extant works include Al-Khayl (“Horses”), which contains short accounts of famous horses and poems on horses; Jamharat al-nasab (“Genealogical Collection”), a work of great importance about the politics, religion, and literature of the pre-Islamic and early Muslim Arabs; and Kitāb al-aṣnām (The Book of Idols), in which he discusses the gods of the pre-Islamic Arabs. The discussions in Kitāb al-aṣnām are supplemented by relevant excerpts from pre-Islamic poetry. His writings are of particular importance for having preserved valuable information on Arabian antiquities and tribal customs and lore that might otherwise have been lost.

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