Heymans, Corneille

Heymans, Corneille

Belgian physiologist
in full  Corneille-Jean-François Heymans  
born March 28, 1892, Ghent, Belg.
died July 18, 1968, Knokke

      Belgian physiologist who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1938 for his discovery of the regulatory effect on respiration of sensory organs associated with the carotid artery in the neck and with the aortic arch leading from the heart.

      After taking his M.D. degree at the University of Ghent in 1920, Heymans studied physiology in Paris, Lausanne, Vienna, London, and the United States. In 1930 he succeeded his father, Jean-François Heymans, as professor of pharmacology at Ghent. His research, which was begun in collaboration with his father, sought to determine the way in which changes in blood composition and pressure cause alterations in heart and respiratory function.

      Experimenting with anesthetized dogs, Heymans demonstrated the existence of a set of sensory organs, known as pressoreceptors, in the wall of the carotid sinusa slight enlargement of the carotid artery, at the point where it divides into the external and internal carotids. He showed that these receptors monitor blood pressure and help to regulate heart rate and respiration. He also found near the pressoreceptors, and at the base of the aorta, a set of chemoreceptors, or glomera, that monitor the oxygen content of the blood and help to regulate breathing through the medulla, the respiratory centre at the base of the brain.

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