Hess, Moses

Hess, Moses

German author and Zionist
original name  Moritz Hess  
born June 21, 1812, Bonn [Germany]
died April 6, 1875, Paris, Fr.

      German journalist and socialist who influenced Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and who was an important early proponent of Zionism.

      Hess's first published work, Heilige Geschichte der Menschheit von einem Jünger Spinozas (1837; “The Holy History of Mankind, by a Young Spinozist”), exhibited the sharp imprint not only of Benedict de Spinoza's but also of G.W.F. Hegel's transcendental philosophy. Hess saw a material application of his beliefs in an idealistic, somewhat anarchic socialism, and he organized workers' groups while propagating his ideas in the radical newspaper Rheinische Zeitung (“Rhinelander Gazette”), for which he served as Paris correspondent from 1842 to 1843. After Karl Marx (Marx, Karl) joined the newspaper, Hess influenced Marx's thinking appreciably, and they collaborated on several works. Later, however, Marx rejected Hess's type of utopian socialism, specifically mocking Hess in The Communist Manifesto (Communist Manifesto, The) (1848). Hess himself gradually changed his idealistic views and became more pragmatic in his beliefs. During the Revolution of 1848 in Germany, Hess was forced to flee the country, and, after wandering through Europe, he settled in Paris in 1853.

      His most prominent work, the early Zionist Rom und Jerusalem, die letzte Nationalitätsfrage (1862; Rome and Jerusalem: A Study in Jewish Nationalism), was ignored at the time of publication, but it influenced such later Zionist leaders as Aḥad Haʿam and Theodor Herzl. Among Hess's many contentions in Rom und Jerusalem, the major one states that the Jews will always be a homeless people, never fully accepted by others, until they have their own country.

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