Hertz, Henrik

Hertz, Henrik

Danish author
original name  Heyman Hertz  
born August 25/27, 1797/98, Copenhagen, Denmark
died February 25, 1870, Copenhagen

      dramatist and poet, once among the most popular Danish dramatists.

      Orphaned early, Hertz took his first inspiration from an unhappy love affair. Initially, he imitated his friend Johan Ludvig Heiberg (Heiberg, Johan Ludvig), whom he joined in attacking older Romantics. Like Heiberg, he regarded perfection of form as more important than content, as is clearly expressed in his set of satirical letters, Gjenganger-breve (1830; “Letters of a Ghost”), which were a great success.

      Hertz wrote some 50 plays, of which the best-known are Sparekassen (1836; “The Savings Bank”), about a foster son who aids his bankrupt family; Svend Dyrings huus (1837; “Sven Dyring's House”), about the woman protagonist's failed battle to express her eroticism in a repressive society; and Kong Renés datter (1845; King René's Daughter), based on Provençal folklore. He was also a prolific writer of many kinds of verse. Unfortunately he often felt compelled to conform to his audience's tastes in form rather than to meet his own artistic demands, and his reputation faded along with the popularity of the forms that he espoused.

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  • Hertz [2] — Hertz, Henrik, dän. Dichter, geb. 25. Aug. 1798 zu Kopenhagen, gest. 25. Febr. 1870 das.; schrieb Lustspiele, Vaudevilles, romantische Schauspiele (»König Renés Tochter«, 1846, u.a.), Novellen, Gedichte (4 Bde., 1851 62) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Henrik Hertz — (August 25, 1797 February 25, 1870), Danish poet, was born of Jewish parents in Copenhagen.In 1817 he was sent to the university. His father died in his infancy, and the family property was destroyed in the bombardment of 1807. The boy was… …   Wikipedia

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