Herrera, Fernando de

Herrera, Fernando de

Spanish poet
byname  El Divino  
born 1534?, Sevilla, Spain
died 1597, Sevilla

      lyric poet and man of letters who was one of the leading figures in the first School of Sevilla (Seville), a group of 16th-century Spanish neoclassic poets and humanists who were concerned with rhetoric and the form of language.

      Although never ordained, Herrera took minor orders and was appointed to a benefice in Sevilla. The income from this position allowed him to spend his life studying and writing. His aristocratic literary ideas were clearly set forth in his Anotaciones a las obras de Garcilaso de la Vega (1580; “Notes on the Works of Garcilaso de la Vega”), which praised the Italianate innovations of the poet Garcilaso de la Vega and several other poets of Sevilla. In his own poetry, published as Algunas obras de Fernando de Herrera (1582; “Some Works of Fernando de Herrera”), he elaborated on the style of Garcilaso and began to move toward culteranismo (an ornate and affected poetic style that flourished in Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries and finally developed, in its most extreme form, into gongorismo). Although his love lyrics addressed to Luz, the countess of Gelves, were popular in his day, his most enduring poems are his patriotic odes, rich in Old Testament rhetoric and melodious eclogues. He also composed a history, Relación de la guerra de Chipre y batalla naval de Lepanto (1572; “Account of the War of Cyprus and the Naval Battle of Lepanto”), and a biography, Elogio de la vida y muerte de Tomás Moro (1592; “Eulogy on the Life and Death of Thomas More”).

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  • Herrera, Fernando de — • A Spanish lyric poet; born 1537; died 1597 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • HERRERA, Fernando de — (1534 1597) Fernando de Herrera, a Spanish poet and precursor of Luis de Gongora s* pure poetry, or culteranismo, also established himself as the father of Spanish literary criticism with his Anotaciones of Garcilaso de la Vega s* works. Born in… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

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  • HERRERA, FERNANDO DE —    Spanish poet, born at Seville, and took orders; in his lifetime his lyrics enjoyed a wide popularity, and won for him the epithet divine ; his Battle of Lepanto is a spirited ode, and many of his other works, including a prose history of the… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Fernando de Herrera — ( 1534–1597) called El Divino was a 16th century Spanish poet and man of letters. He was born in Seville. Much of what is known about him comes from the book Libro de descripción de verdaderos retratos de illustres y memorables varones (Book of… …   Wikipedia

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  • Fernando de Herrera —     Fernando de Herrera     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Fernando de Herrera     A Spanish lyric poet; born 1537; died 1597. The head of a school of lyric poets who gathered about him at Seville, Herrera was an avowed disciple of Garcilasso de la… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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