Hermopolis Magna

Hermopolis Magna

▪ ancient city, Egypt
modern  Al-Ashmūnayn 

      ancient town of Upper Egypt, located on the Nile River south of Al-Minyā in Al-Minyā muḥāfaẓah (governorate). It was known as Khmunu (“City of the Eight”) and was the capital of the Hare nome (province), the 15th nome of Upper Egypt. The great deity worshiped there was Thoth, god of learning and patron of scribes. The extensive site has been partly explored. The German Hermopolis expedition (1929–39) uncovered part of the temple of Thoth as well as considerable remains of Hellenistic and Roman times. In the necropolis on the west bank at Tunah al-Jabal, an Egyptian University expedition (1930–39) discovered a labyrinth of underground streets and catacombs connected with cults sacred to Thoth. The necropolis also contained the well-known tomb of Petosiris, high priest of Thoth in the time of Alexander the Great.

      Cereals, dates, and sugarcane are now produced in the area.

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