Hektorović, Petar

Hektorović, Petar

Dalmatian poet
born 1487, Starigrad, Hvar island, Dalmatia, republic of Venice [now in Croatia]
died March 13, 1572, Starigrad

      poet and collector of Dalmatian songs, an important figure in the Ragusan (Dubrovnik) Renaissance in South Slavic literature.

      An aristocratic landowner, Hektorović was impressed by the Italian humanist adaptation of classical forms for vernacular literature. Although he wrote Italian and Latin verse and translated Ovid, his chief work is written in the Croatian language. Titled Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje (written in 1555 and published in 1568; “Fishing and Fishermen's Talk”), it is a pastoral and philosophic narrative poem. Hektorović, who witnessed two peasant uprisings against the nobility, described in this epistle to a fellow nobleman-writer his own socializing with common folk during his fishing trip. In keeping with the conventions of the didactic eclogue genre, Hektorović idealized commoners, but he ultimately portrayed fishermen as his equals, indirectly calling for a more democratic society. He also recognized the beauty of the region's oral poetry and was the first Croatian writer to record in his own work lyric and epic folk poems, together with their melodies as he had heard his companions render them.

Gordana P. Crnkovic

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