Hedin, Sven Anders

Hedin, Sven Anders

Swedish explorer
born February 19, 1865, Stockholm, Sweden
died November 26, 1952, Stockholm

      Swedish explorer, who led through Central Asia a series of expeditions that resulted in important archaeological and geographical findings.

      Travels in the Caucasus, Persia, and Mesopotamia when he was 20 and an appointment as an interpreter for the Swedish-Norwegian mission to Nāser al-Dīn, shah of Iran (1890), marked the beginning of Hedin's life of exploration. In 1891 he visited Khorāsān (northeastern Persia) and Russian Turkestan, and between 1893 and 1898 he crossed Asia to Beijing by way of the Urals, the Pamir range, and Lop Nor (Lop Lake), in western China. Following the Tarim River through western China, he explored the Gobi (desert) from 1899 to 1902. He was the first to explore the Trans-Himalaya mountain range of Tibet and to prepare a detailed map of the country (190508).

      Hedin's pro-German sympathies during World War I cost him influential friends and the trust of the Indian, Russian, and Chinese governments. He was able, however, to initiate and conduct the important Sino-Swedish expedition of 192733, which located 327 archaeological sites between Manchuria and Xinjiang (westernmost China) and disclosed an extensive Stone Age culture in present-day desert and steppe areas. Signs of Old Stone Age culture were found, and artifacts from later Stone Age periods evidenced a life dependent on hunting and fishing. Agricultural implements were discovered on the China-Mongolia borderland. In 1928 Hedin solved the puzzle of the changing basins of Lop Nor (Lop Nur), which were related to the shifting lower course of the Tarim River. His many published works include Through Asia (1898), Southern Tibet (13 vol., 191722), My Life as an Explorer (1926), and The Silk Road (1938).

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  • Sven Hedin — Sven Anders Hedin KCIE (* 19. Februar 1865 in Stockholm; † 26. November 1952 ebenda) war ein schwedischer Geograph, Topograph, Entdeckungsreisender, Fotograf, Reiseschriftsteller und ein Illustrator eigener Werke. In vier Expeditionen nach… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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