Hecker, Isaac Thomas

Hecker, Isaac Thomas

American priest

born Dec. 18, 1819, New York City
died Dec. 22, 1888, New York City
 Roman Catholic priest who founded the Paulist Fathers, a diocesan organization for missionary work in New York.

      Educated in Europe, he was ordained a Redemptorist priest in England (1849) and with four associate priests (Francis A. Baker, George Deshon, Augustine F. Hewit, and Clarence A. Walworth) conducted missions in America. Well received, he later found it possible to open a house for U.S. Redemptorist missionaries. Having gone without permission to Rome for help, he was expelled from the order, but on appeal Pope Pius IX dispensed him and his associates from their vows, encouraging them to work under local bishops. With Hecker as superior, they (excluding Walworth) founded the Paulist Fathers, which by 1940 became a papal institute with houses in the United States, Canada, Italy, and South Africa.

      Hecker wrote three books: Questions of the Soul (1852), Aspirations of Nature (1857), and The Church and the Age (1887). He also established the Catholic Publication Society and two magazines, Catholic World (1865) and Young Catholic (1870).

Additional Reading
Joseph McSorley, Isaac Hecker and His Friends, rev. ed. (1972); John Farina (ed.), Hecker Studies: Essays on the Thought of Isaac Hecker (1983).

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Universalium. 2010.

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