Hayashi Fumiko

Hayashi Fumiko

Japanese author
original name  Miyata Fumiko  
born Dec. 31, 1904, Shimonoseki, Japan
died June 28, 1951, Tokyo

      Japanese novelist whose realistic stories deal with urban working-class life.

      The daughter of a geisha, Hayashi lived an unsettled life until 1916, when she went to Onomichi, where she stayed until graduation from high school in 1922. In her lonely childhood she grew to love literature, and when she went out to work she started writing poetry and children's stories in her spare time.

      Hayashi's own experiences of hunger and humiliation appear in her first work, Hōrōki (1930; “Diary of a Vagabond,” published in English translation in Be a Woman: Hayashi Fumiko and Modern Japanese Women's Literature), and Seihin no sho (1931; “A Life of Poverty”). Her stories of degradation and instability, depicting women who remained undaunted, commanded a strong following. Often near sentimentality, they are saved by a realistic and direct style. She reached the peak of her popularity after World War II, when such stories as "Daun taun" (1948; “Downtown,” published in English translation in Modern Japanese Stories: An Anthology) and Ukigumo (1949; Floating Cloud) mirrored the harsh postwar scene. Hayashi died suddenly of heart strain from overwork.

Additional Reading
Joan E. Ericson, Be a Woman: Hayashi Fumiko and Modern Japanese Women's Literature (1997), analyzes the role of gender in Hayashi's life and works.

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