Hartmann, Nicolai

Hartmann, Nicolai

German philosopher

born Feb. 20, 1882, Riga, Latvia, Russian Empire
died Oct. 9, 1950, Göttingen, W.Ger.
 one of the dominant figures in German philosophy during the first half of the 20th century.

      After serving Germany in World War I, Hartmann taught philosophy at the universities of Marburg (192025), Cologne (192531), Berlin (193145), and Göttingen (194550). His first work, Platos Logik des Seins (1909; “Plato's Logic of Being”), reflects his early Kantianism.

      In his two-volume Die Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus (192329; “The Philosophy of German Idealism”), however, Hartmann showed signs of rejecting Neo-Kantian views. The rejection was completed by his reversal of the Kantian position that mind constructs reality through thought, a position renounced in Neue Wege der Ontologie (1942; New Ways of Ontology). According to his new ontology, epistemology depends on ontology, not the opposite. Thus, thebeingof objects is a necessary prerequisite for thought or knowledge about them. The knowledge that people have of reality is itself a part of reality, as an event among other events.

      The basic forms of human thought, which Hartmann called thesubjective categories,” are not to be considered identical with the basic structures of reality, orobjective categories.” Because of the irrational will that clouds mental activity, and because of pure time-and-space limitations, human beings will forever be surrounded by a vast expanse of unobjectifiable being. Consequently, all that scientists or philosophers can hope to achieve is a partial assimilation of their subjective categories to those of the object.

      Following Max Scheler, Hartmann considered reality, though orderly and partly rational, to be devoid of meaning, with the result that humanity must perform the heroic feat of living human life in a world entirely alien to human aspirations.

      Hartmann's other writings include Philosophie der Natur (1950) and Ästhetik (1953).

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