Haro Strait — Haro Strait, often referred to as the Haro Straits because it is really a series of straits, is one of the main channels connecting the Strait of Georgia to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, separating Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands in British… … Wikipedia
Strait of Georgia — The Strait of Georgia or the Georgia Strait [http://ilmbwww.gov.bc.ca/bcgn bin/bcg10?name=6050] (also known as the Gulf of Georgia), is a strait between Vancouver Island (as well as its nearby Gulf Islands) and the mainland Pacific coast of… … Wikipedia
Strait of Juan de Fuca — The Strait of Juan de Fuca (also called Juan de Fuca Strait) is a large body of water about online at [http://books.google.com/books?id=sl57oHrVXGoC Google Books] ; and cite book |last= Pethick |first= Derek |title= The Nootka Connection: Europe… … Wikipedia
Rosario Strait — is a strait in northern Washington state, separating Island and San Juan Counties. It extends from the Strait of Juan de Fuca about convert|23|km|mi north to the Strait of Georgia. The USGS defines its southern boundary as a line extending from… … Wikipedia
Gonzalo López de Haro — Vista de las islas San Juan, descubiertas por López de Haro. Gonzalo López de Haro (antes de 1788 – Puebla, 1823) fue un oficial naval español, conocido por haber realizado durante los últimos años del siglo XVIII varias viajes de exploración por … Wikipedia Español
Estrecho de Haro — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Estrecho de Haro (Haro Strait) El estrecho de Haro (parte del estrecho de Georgia, entre la ciudad de … Wikipedia Español
Gonzalo López de Haro — (bef. 1788 ndash; 1823) was a Spanish explorer, notable for his expeditions in the Pacific Northwest in the late 18th century.In 1790 and 1791 he was an officer in the expedition commanded by Francisco de Eliza. Haro is reputably the first… … Wikipedia
Juan de Fuca Strait — [wän də fo͞ok′ə, wän΄dəfyo͞ok′ə] 〚after Juan de Fuca, a sailor, who reputedly discovered it for Spain (1592)〛 strait between Vancouver Island and NW Wash.: c. 100 mi (161 km) long: also called Strait of Juan de Fuca * * * Strait, North Pacific… … Universalium
Georgia, Strait of — Channel in the Pacific Ocean, southwestern Canada and northwestern U.S. Located between Vancouver Island, the southwestern mainland of British Columbia, and northwestern Washington state, it is 150 mi (241 km) long and 30 mi (28 km) at its widest … Universalium
José María Narváez — (1768 ndash; August 4, 1840) was a Spanish naval officer, explorer, and navigator who is mainly remembered for his work in the Pacific Northwest. He was born in Cádiz, Spain. In 1791, as commander of the schooner Santa Saturnina , he led the… … Wikipedia