Harmodius and Aristogiton

Harmodius and Aristogiton

Greek tyrannicide

died 514 BC
 the tyrannoktonoi, ortyrannicides,” who according to popular, but erroneous, legend freed Athens from the Peisistratid tyrants. They were celebrated in drinking songs as the deliverers of the city, their descendants were entitled to free hospitality in the prytaneion (“town hall”), and their statues were set up in the agora. But the truth was less edifying.

      Thucydides (History of the Peloponnesian War, book vi) explains that the plot against the tyrants derived from Aristogiton's resentment of the advances made by the younger brother of the ruling tyrant Hippias toward his young friend Harmodius. The two friends, with a small band of accomplices, planned to kill both Hippias and his brother Hipparchus during the armed procession at the Panathenaic festival (514). The plot miscarried. They succeeded in killing only Hipparchus. Harmodius was slain on the spot; Aristogiton was captured and died under torture. The tyranny of Hippias became more ruthless and continued for four more years.

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