

▪ ancient city, Tunisia
modern  Sūsah , also spelled  Sousa,  or  Sousse 

      ancient Phoenician colony some 100 miles (160 km) south of Carthage, on the east coast of the Al-Hammāmāt Gulf in what is now Tunisia. Hadrumetum was one of the most important communities within the Carthaginian territory in northern Africa because of its location on the sea at the edge of the fertile Sahel region. In the Third Punic War (149–146 BC) Hadrumetum sided with Rome, and its citizens were rewarded with partial Roman citizenship. It supported Pompey (Pompey the Great) in the civil war and was heavily fined by Caesar after his victory in the Battle of Thapsus (Thapsus, Battle of) (46 BC). It later received colonial rank under Trajan. The city was a centre for the administration of imperial estates in what is now the eastern part of Tunisia and became the capital of the province of Byzacenia, formed by Diocletian about AD 300. It was again important after the reconquest of Africa by Justinian I in 533, receiving the name Justinianopolis. Before the Arab conquest, the modern town of Sūsah (Sousse) arose on the site.

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