

king of Denmark
also spelled  Godrum , or  Guthorm , also called  Aethelstan,  Athelstan , or  Ethelstan 
died 890

      leader of a major Danish invasion of Anglo-Saxon England who waged war against the West Saxon king Alfred the Great (reigned 871899) and later made himself king of East Anglia (reigned 880890).

      Guthrum went to England in the great Danish invasion of 865, and in mid-January 878 he attacked Alfred's kingdom of Wessex. Although all Wessex was overrun, a successful counterattack by Alfred in May brought Guthrum to terms. While negotiations were in progress, Guthrum allowed himself to be baptized under the name Aethelstan, with Alfred as his godfather. The treaty was signed at Aller in present-day Somerset, and in accordance with its terms Guthrum withdrew to East Anglia, where in 880 he founded a partly Christian state and issued coinage under his baptismal name. A copy of a peace treaty that he made with Alfred the Great in 886 is still in existence.

      Guthrum's death is noticed by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in 890, and he appears to have been vaguely remembered in Danish and Norman traditions preserved by Saxo Grammaticus and Dudo of St. Quentin.

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