Guittone d'Arezzo

Guittone d'Arezzo

Italian poet
born c. 1230, Arezzo, Tuscia [Italy]
died 1294, Florence

      founder of the Tuscan school of courtly poetry.

      Knowledge of Guittone's life comes mainly from his writings. Born near Arezzo, he travelled for commercial reasons, being an exile from Arezzo after 1256 for his Guelf sympathies. Guittone became the centre of an admiring circle when interest in the Sicilian lyric, which had been strongly influenced by the courtly love lyric of Provence, was developing in Tuscany. He experimented with elaborate and difficult forms of love poetry in a language that mingled local dialectisms, Latinisms, and Provençalisms, with none of the beauty and refinement of that used by the Sicilian school. He entered orders, and thereafter gave up love poetry, becoming more successful in his religious poetry. Guittone'sAhi, lasso! o e stagion di doler tanto” (“Ah, alas! How long does so much misery last?”), written after the Florentine Guelf defeat at Montaperti in 1260, is a noble poem. His later work includes sonnets and moral lyrics. He is also known as the creator of the lauda or laude, a sacred ballad, in the vernacular. These songs of praise of God became a common form, especially among confraternities of lay people. His 41 letters are among the oldest documents of epistolatory prose in Italian.

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