Guillén, Jorge

Guillén, Jorge

Spanish poet
born January 18, 1893, Valladolid, Spain
died February 6, 1984, Málaga

      Spanish lyric poet who experimented with different metres and used verbs rarely but whose work proved more accessible than that of other experimental poets.

      The son of a newspaper publisher, Guillén studied in Switzerland and at the University of Granada before graduating from the University of Madrid in 1913. He taught Spanish at the University of Paris from 1917 to 1923 and began publishing his poetry. He earned a doctorate at the University of Madrid in 1924 and taught at the University of Murcia, the University of Sevilla (Seville), and the University of Oxford. In 1927 he participated in the tercentenary of Luis de Góngora, became a member of the Generation of 1927, and in 1928 published his collection Cántico (“Canticle”; Cantico: A Selection of Spanish Poems), which he expanded in subsequent editions in 1936, 1945, and 1950. He was influenced by Paul Valéry (Valéry, Paul) and Juan Ramón Jiménez (Jiménez, Juan Ramón), who soughtpure poetry,” emphasizing the musical properties of language over narrative and didactic motives.

      Guillén went to the United States during the Spanish Civil War, taught Spanish at Wellesley College (194057), and later lectured at numerous other universities in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Latin America. From 1957 to 1963 he published Clamor, a three-volume collection of poems in which a sad awareness of the evanescence and limitations of life replaces the uncomplicated positivism of Cantico. Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet (1979) is a selection of bilingual editions of poems from various stages of Guillén's career, accompanied by comments by the poet.

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  • Jorge Guillén y Álvarez — [ˈxoɾxe ɣiˈʎen] (* 18. Januar 1893 in Valladolid; † 6. Februar 1984 in Málaga) war ein spanischer Dichter. Er gehörte zur Generación del 27. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biographie 2 Wirke …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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