Guas, Juan

Guas, Juan

Spanish architect
Guas also spelled  Was  
born , Lyon
died c. 1496, , Toledo, Spain
 architect, the central figure of the group of Spanish architects who developed the Isabelline (q.v.) style, a combination of medieval structure, Mudéjar (Spanish Muslim) ornament, and Italian spatial design. Considered the finest architect of late 15th-century Spain, he originated designs for churches and residences that set the pattern for generations of later Spanish architects.

      After training in Brussels, Guas settled in Toledo, accompanied by his Flemish assistants. From 1459 to 1469 he assisted Annequin de Egas on the Puerta de los Leones of Toledo cathedral, and in 1494 he was appointed official architect of the cathedral. His major works were San Juan de los Reyes in Toledo (begun around 1478), the Infantado Palace in Guadalajara (148083), and the chapel of San Gregorio in Valladolid (1488).

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