Guarneri Family

Guarneri Family

▪ Italian violin makers

      celebrated family of violin makers of Cremona, Italy. The first was Andrea (c. 1626–98), who worked with Stradivari in the workshop of Nicolò Amati (son of Girolamo). His son Giuseppe (1666–c. 1739) at first made instruments like his father's but later made them in a style of his own, with a narrow waist; his son Pietro of Venice (1695–1762) was also a fine maker. Another son of Andrea, Pietro Giovanni (1655–c. 1728), moved from Cremona to Mantua, where he made violins that varied considerably from those of the other Guarneris. George Hart (1839–91) of the firm of London violin makers Hart & Sons pointed out that the breadth between the sound holes in Pietro Giovanni's violins is increased, that the sound hole is rounder and more perpendicular while the middle bouts are more contracted, and that the model is more raised.

      The greatest of all the Guarneris, however, was a nephew of Andrea, Giuseppe, known as “Giuseppe del Gesù” (1698–1745), whose title originates in the “I.H.S.” inscribed on his labels. He was much influenced by the works of the earlier Brescian school, particularly those of G.P. Maggini, whom he followed in the boldness of outline and the massive construction that aim at the production of tone, rather than visual perfection of form. The great variety of his work in size, model, and related features represents his experiments in tonal production. A stain or sap mark running parallel with the fingerboard on both sides appears on the bellies of many of his instruments. Since the mid-18th century, instruments falsely ascribed to him have been abundant. The robust tone of the Guarneri attracted Paganini, whose instrument is preserved in the Palazzo Municipale of Genoa.

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