Grotefend, Georg Friedrich

Grotefend, Georg Friedrich

German scholar
born June 9, 1775, Münden, Hanover [Germany]
died Dec. 15, 1853, Hannover, Hanover
 German teacher and language scholar who made the first major breakthrough in the decipherment of ancient Persian cuneiform script.

      When Grotefend began teaching at the Göttingen city school in 1797, Europe was already familiar with the wedge-shaped cuneiform writing from copies made in 1765 by the German traveler Carsten Niebuhr at the ruined Persian capital of Persepolis. Without any particular knowledge of Oriental languages, but adept in solving puzzles, Grotefend bet some drinking companions that he could find the key to deciphering cuneiform. Knowing that the inscriptions dated from about the 5th century BC and were associated with the sculptures of kings, he concluded that the recurrence of certain symbols signifiedkingandking of kings.” Eventually he was able to connect the names of Darius and Xerxes with the terms of royalty. A third name proved to be that of Hystaspes, the governor of Parthia and father of Darius I. Of the 13 symbols he deciphered, 9 were correct. His discovery was first reported on Sept. 2, 1802. He also published works on two ancient Italic dialects, Oscan and Umbrian. His lasting fame rests on Neue Beiträge zur Erläuterung der persepolitanischen Keilschrift . . . (1837; “New Contributions to a Commentary on the Persepolitan Cuneiform Writing . . .”).

Additional Reading
A detailed account of Grotefend's work is to be found in C.W. Ceram (pseudonym of Kurt W. Marek), Gods, Graves, and Scholars: The Story of Archaeology, 2nd, rev. and substantially enlarged ed. (1967, reissued 1994; originally published in German, 1949).

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