Gregory of Sinai

Gregory of Sinai

Greek Orthodox monk
also called  Gregory Sinaites 
born 13th century
died Nov. 27, 1346, Mt. Paroria, near modern Burgas, Bulg.

      Greek Orthodox monk, theologian, and mystic, the most prominent medieval advocate of Hesychasm, a Byzantine form of contemplative prayer directed toward ecstatic mystical experience.

      Originally a Cypriot monk, Gregory later joined a community on Mt. Sinai. He then travelled throughout Palestine and became a devotee of the school of disciplined mental prayer descended from the celebrated mystic St. John Climacus (7th century). Joining the monks on Mt. Athos, northern Greece, the focus of Greek monasticism and Byzantine Orthodoxy, he devised a program for a moderate form of Hesychasm and made Mt. Athos a source of Hesychast influence. Harassed by incursions of the Ottoman Turks, he fled first to the Black Sea coast and then to Mt. Paroria in Bulgaria, where c. 1325 he established a monastery that became the intellectual and spiritual centre of the Balkans.

      Gregory's best known work is the 137 Chapters; or Spiritual Meditations, containing his doctrine that extended the Hesychast movement throughout Europe and the Byzantine world. Essentially, his Hesychasm expressed the fundamental purpose and longing of Greek spirituality, namely to bridge the gulf between human and divine existence. Hesychast prayer aspires to attain the highest form of Godman communion in the form of a vision of thedivine lightoruncreated energyanalogous to the Gospel account of Christ's transfiguration on Mt. Tabor (Matt. 17; Mark 9). Hesychast literature recounts a similar transforming experience in a period of intense concentration, controlled breathing, and repetitive prayer utterances (theJesus prayer”). The theological apology for this experience was given by Gregory's contemporary St. Gregory Palamas of Mt. Athos in the religiouspolitical turmoil raging during the mid-14th century. Other disciples spread Hesychast doctrine throughout eastern Europe and Russia.

      Among Gregory of Sinai's other writings are tracts on Christian asceticism, verses on the divine Trinity (nature of God), liturgical hymns, and arguments against the Roman theory that the Holy Spirit relates to the eternal Son as well as to the Father (the Filioque controversy).

Additional Reading
Callistus I, Zhitīe Grigoriia Sinaita, ed. by P.A. Syrku (1909), is a biography by Gregory's friend and contemporary, the patriarch of Constantinople; a summary is available in David Balfour, Saint Gregory the Sinaite: Discourse on the Transfiguration (1982).

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