Grazzini, Anton Francesco

Grazzini, Anton Francesco

Italian writer
byname  Il Lasca (Italian:The Roach”)  
born March 22, 1503, Florence [Italy]
died Feb. 18, 1584, Florence

      Italian poet, playwright, and storyteller who was active in the linguistic and literary controversies of his day.

      Apparently educated in vernacular literature, Grazzini in 1540 took part in the founding of the Accademia degli Umidi (“Academy of the Humid”), the first literary society of the time. He was a contentious individual and became known as Il Lasca (“The Roach,” a fish well known to anglers for putting up a good fight). He retained the name even after the establishment of the Crusca Academy, which he was instrumental in founding in 1582.

      In his burlesque verses, written in the manner of Francesco Berni, whose works he edited, Grazzini strongly opposed humanism and Petrarchism, but he defended pure Tuscan diction in the reform of Italian literary style. His own language is lively, at times approaching dialect, in his seven comedies (written 154050) and in Le cene (“The Suppers”), a collection of 22 stories in the manner of Giovanni Boccaccio, purporting to be told by a group of young people at a carnival. (D.H. Lawrence translated one, The Story of Doctor Manente [1917].) The plays, like the stories and poems, reflect his disenchanted, self-seeking age and exhibit the lustiness and vicious sting of his writings and the love he reveals for the ruthlessly cruel, whether in deeds of horror or pitiless jests.

      Grazzini also collected (1559) the Canti carnascialeschi (“Carnival Songs”) popular in Florence during the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

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