Graham, Winston

Graham, Winston

British author
in full  Winston Mawdsley Graham 
born June 30, 1910, Victoria Park, Manchester, England
died July 10, 2003, Buxted, East Sussex

      English author whose mysteries and historical novels feature suspenseful plots that often hinge on the discovery of past events.

      The subjects of Graham's crime stories are usually ordinary people and amateur detectives who face moral quandaries. The title character and narrator of Marnie (1961), perhaps his best-known mystery, is a professional fraud who subconsciously represses a traumatic childhood experience; the book was made into a popular film by director Alfred Hitchcock (Hitchcock, Sir Alfred) in 1964. Graham's other notable crime novels include The Forgotten Story (1945), Take My Life (1947; filmed 1947), Fortune Is a Woman (1953), The Little Walls (1955), After the Act (1965), Stephanie (1992), and Tremor (1995).

      Graham's historical novels, set in Cornwall in the 18th and 19th centuries, chronicle several generations of the Poldark family. These include Ross Poldark (1945), Jeremy Poldark (1950), The Grove of Eagles (1963), The Black Moon (1973), The Miller's Dance (1982), and The Twisted Sword (1990); in the 1970s the Poldark saga was adapted into a popular television series in England. Graham's The Spanish Armadas (1972) and Poldark's Cornwall (1983) are works of nonfiction. In 1983 he was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire.

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Universalium. 2010.

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