Graebner, Fritz

Graebner, Fritz

German ethnologist
in full  Robert Fritz Graebner  
born March 4, 1877, Berlin, Ger.
died July 13, 1934, Berlin

      German ethnologist who advanced the theory of the Kulturkreise (Kulturkreis), or culture complex, which postulated diffusions of primitive culture spheres derived from a single archaic type. His scheme launched the culture-historical school of ethnology in Europe and stimulated much field research.

      While a research assistant at the Royal Museum of Ethnology, Berlin (18991906), Graebner classified the South Seas collection and collaborated with Bernhard Ankermann, a specialist in African ethnology. Graebner sought to interpret the history of Oceania from the geographical study of cultural traits. From cartographic plotting of these traits, he discovered patterns of trait clusters that indicated a chronological sequence for the spread (or diffusion) of distinctive cultures. In 1907 Graebner joined the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne, where he served as director from 1925 to 1928. His systematic treatise on processes of diffusion, Methode der Ethnologie (1911; “Method of Ethnology”), offered guidelines for the study of cultural affinities and became the foundation of the culture-historical approach to ethnology.

      On the eve of World War I, Graebner visited Australia at government invitation, only to be interned there as an enemy alien for the duration of the war. During his internment he made a comparison of Indo-European, Hamito-Semitic (now Afro-Asiatic), Mongolian, and Polynesian myths and studied various calendrical systems in an attempt to apply the principles of Kulturkreise to larger areas. These efforts culminated in Das Weltbild der Primitiven (1924; “The World View of the Primitives”), in which he described a single archaicadvanced culturethat had spread throughout much of the world. Though dismissed by later scholars, Graebner's theories influenced Wilhelm Schmidt and were extended by the British anthropologists Elliot Smith and W.J. Perry.

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