Gottschalk Of Orbais

Gottschalk Of Orbais

Roman Catholic theologian
Gottschalk also spelled  Gottescalc, Godescalc, or Godescalchus  
born c. 803, Saxony [Germany]
died c. 868, Hautvillers, near Reims, France

      monk, poet, and theologian whose teachings on predestination shook the Roman Catholic church in the 9th century.

      Of noble birth, Gottschalk was an oblate (i.e., a child dedicated to monastic life by its parents) in the Benedictine abbey of Fulda. Over the objection of his abbot and eventual lifelong enemy, Rabanus Maurus, Gottschalk requested release from his monastic obligations; this was granted (829) by a synod at Mainz. Maurus then demanded that the Carolingian emperor Louis I the Pious force him back into monastic life, whereupon Gottschalk settled at the monastery of Orbais, France. He was irregularly ordained a priest at Reims (c. 838).

      At the Synod of Mainz (848), he was condemned for heresy by Archbishop Maurus, who placed him under the jurisdiction of the powerful archbishop Hincmar of Reims. Unable to obtain Gottschalk's recantation at a synod held in the Frankish royal residence of Quiercy, near Noyon, Hincmar deposed and imprisoned him at the abbey of Hautvillers. Hincmar subsequently combated Gottschalk's predestination doctrine in several treatises and at several synods.

      Holding that Christ's salvation was limited and that his power of redemption extended only to the elect, Gottschalk taught that the elect went to eternal glory and the reprobate went to damnation. A work by Gottschalk, De praedestinatione (“Of Predestination”), was discovered at Bern, Switz., in 1930.

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Universalium. 2010.

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