Görtz, Georg Heinrich, Baron von

Görtz, Georg Heinrich, Baron von

German statesman
born 1668, Franconia [Germany]
died March 12, 1719, Stockholm, Sweden
 German statesman who was a key financial and diplomatic adviser to King Charles XII of Sweden.

      In the service of the dukes of Holstein-Gottorp from 1698, Görtz was responsible for maintaining the separate states of Schleswig and Holstein when they were in danger of being incorporated into Denmark in 1713. His efforts to promote Charles Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp as a candidate for the throne of the childless Charles XII of Sweden led to his meeting Charles in 1714 and entering his service as a financial adviser.

      Görtz skillfully secured the revenues needed by the king to wage the protracted Great Northern War (170021). Görtz also engaged in diplomatic missions for Charles among the English Jacobites, the Prussians, and the Russians. In 1717 Görtz was briefly imprisoned by the Dutch, at the request of George I of England, because of his dealings with the Jacobites.

      In 1718 Görtz represented Sweden at the Åland congress, during which he went to Stockholm to confer with Charles XIIunaware that the king had died. He was arrested on orders from Frederick of Hesse-Kassel (afterward Frederick I (Frederick (I)) of Sweden), who feared that Görtz would support Charles Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp for the Swedish throne over Frederick's wife Ulrika Eleonora, the sister of Charles XII. A widespread desire among the Swedish administrators and officers to dismantle absolutism and to end the financial and administrative innovations of the late king, without openly besmirching Charles XII's reputation, found in Görtz the ideal scapegoat. He was accused of alienating Charles from his people and was executed after a trial that both contemporaries and posterity have condemned as a judicial murder. Görtz's unselfish and loyal service to Charles XII is now generally admitted.

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