Gordian III

Gordian III

Roman emperor
Latin in full  Marcus Antonius Gordianus 
born 225
died 244, Zaitha, Mesopotamia

      Roman emperor from 238 to 244.

      After the deaths of the joint emperors Gordian I and Gordian II in 238, the Roman Senate proclaimed two elderly senators, Pupienus (Pupienus Maximus) and Balbinus, joint emperors. However, the people and the Praetorian Guard in Rome distrusted the Senate's nominees and insisted on making the 13-year-old Gordian (grandson of Gordian I and nephew of Gordian II) caesar and heir to the throne. After his own troops murdered the deposed emperor Maximinus (reigned 235238), the Praetorian Guard rioted, killed Pupienus and Balbinus, and in August 238 proclaimed the young Gordian sole emperor. The government was directed first by his mother and later by his father-in-law, the praetorian prefect Timesitheus. In 242 Gordian accompanied Timesitheus on a campaign against the Persians. After successes in battle, the prefect died of an illness in 243 and was replaced by Philip the Arabian (Philip). In the spring of 244 Gordian was murdered by the troops and succeeded by Philip.

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