Goldwater, Barry

Goldwater, Barry

United States senator
in full  Barry Morris Goldwater  
born Jan. 1, 1909, Phoenix, Ariz., U.S.
died May 29, 1998, Paradise Valley, Ariz.
 U.S. senator from Arizona (195364, 196987) and Republican (Republican Party) presidential candidate in 1964.

      Goldwater dropped out of college and began working in his family's Phoenix department store, Goldwater's, of which he was president from 1937 to 1953. He was elected to the Phoenix city council in 1949, and in 1952 he narrowly won election to the U.S. Senate. He was reelected in 1958 by a large majority. A conservative Republican, he called for a harsher diplomatic stance toward the Soviet Union (Cold War), opposed arms-control negotiations with that country, and charged the Democrats with creating a quasi-socialist state at home.

      After winning several key victories in the 1964 primary elections, Goldwater won the Republican presidential nomination on the first ballot. He fought a determined campaign against the incumbent president, Lyndon B. Johnson (Johnson, Lyndon B.), but national prosperity worked in Johnson's favour, and Goldwater was handicapped by the charge that he was an extreme anticommunist who might carry the country into war with the Soviet Union. Goldwater and his vice-presidential running mate, William E. Miller, were decisively defeated in the election (November 3); they carried only Arizona and five states in the Deep South.

      In 1968 Goldwater was reelected to the Senate and was reelected thereafter until he retired in 1987. He led the delegation of senior Republican politicians who on Aug. 7, 1974, persuaded President Richard M. Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.) to resign from office. Goldwater moderated many of his views in later years and became a symbol of high-minded conservative Republicanism. His published works include The Conscience of a Conservative (1960), The Coming Breakpoint (1976), and With No Apologies (1979).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Goldwater, Barry Morris — ▪ 1999       American politician (b. Jan. 1, 1909, Phoenix, Ariz. d. May 29, 1998, Phoenix), was considered the founder and icon of the modern conservative movement in the U.S. He served (1953 64 and 1969 87) as a U.S. senator and in 1964 was the …   Universalium

  • Goldwater, Barry M(orris) — born Jan. 1, 1909, Phoenix, Airz., U.S. died May 29, 1998, Paradise Valley, Ariz. U.S. senator. He headed the family department store business from 1937, and during World War II he was a U.S. Air Force pilot (1941–45). A Republican, he was… …   Universalium

  • Goldwater,Barry Morris — Gold·wa·ter (gōldʹwô tər, wŏt ər), Barry Morris. 1909 1998. American politician. A conservative Republican, he served as U.S. senator from Arizona (1953 1965 and 1969 1987) and ran unsuccesfully for President in 1964. * * * …   Universalium

  • Goldwater, Barry M(orris) — (1 ene. 1909, Phoenix, Ariz., EE.UU.–29 may. 1998, Paradise Valley, Ariz.). Senador estadounidense. A partir de 1937 dirigió la empresa familiar de multitiendas y durante la segunda guerra mundial fue piloto de la Fuerza Aérea de EE.UU. (1941–45) …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Barry M. Goldwater — Barry Goldwater Barry Morris Goldwater (* 1. Januar 1909 in Phoenix, Arizona; † 29. Mai 1998 in Paradise Valley, Arizona) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker und Mitbegründer der modernen konservativen Bewegung in den USA. Er war über fünf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Barry Morris Goldwater — Barry Goldwater Barry Morris Goldwater (* 1. Januar 1909 in Phoenix, Arizona; † 29. Mai 1998 in Paradise Valley, Arizona) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker und Mitbegründer der modernen konservativen Bewegung in den USA. Er war über fünf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Barry Goldwater — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Barry Goldwater Senador Senior de Arizona 3 de enero, 1952 – 3 de enero, 1987 …   Wikipedia Español

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