- Goldschmidt, Meïr Aron
▪ Danish authorborn October 26, 1819, Vordingborg, Denmarkdied August 15, 1887, CopenhagenGoldschmidt was born into a wealthy family. When he was 13, he broke with orthodox Judaism, but he was always to remain attached to his Jewish background, an attachment expressed in his novels. He went to school in Copenhagen, planning to study medicine, but he became a journalist instead. In 1840 he founded Corsaren (“The Corsair”), a satirical weekly expressing liberal and democratic ideas. His own witty, and often politically ambiguous, contributions made the publication influential. A feud with the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard, Søren) caused him to give up the paper and go abroad in 1846. His first novel, En Jøde (1845; A Jew), described the gulf between Jewish culture and Danish society. Returning in 1847, Goldschmidt founded a new periodical, Nord og Syd (“North and South”), in which his novel Hjemløs (which he himself translated as Homeless, 3 volumes, 1861) was serialized from 1853 to 1857. He visited England several times and thought of settling there but decided to remain a Danish writer. In the 1860s he was regarded as Denmark's most important novelist, but his influence later declined in the face of the new radical movement led by Georg Brandes (Brandes, Georg).Goldschmidt's finest descriptions of Jewish life are to be found in his short stories, notably in Fortællinger (1846; “Tales”). In Ravnen (1867; “The Raven”), one of the outstanding Danish novels of the 19th century, he depicts Jews with an unusual blend of sympathy and irony. Goldschmidt is an exquisite stylist, especially in his short stories. His philosophy of retributive justice, or nemesis, underlies most of his novels and also his memoirs, Livserindringer og resultater (1877; “Memories and Accomplishments of Life”).
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Universalium. 2010.