Gobat, Charles-Albert

Gobat, Charles-Albert

Swiss political scientist
born May 21, 1834, Tramelan, Switz.
died March 16, 1914, Bern

      Swiss politician, administrator, philanthropist, and author, cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1902. He shared the prize with Élie Ducommun (Ducommun, Élie) (d. 1906), whom he succeeded as director of the International Peace Bureau (Bureau International de la Paix), which received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1910.

      Gobat first practiced law in Bern and then in Delémont, Bern canton. He also lectured on French civil law at the Sorbonne. In the 1880s he was active in cantonal and national politics and public administration.

      From its inception in 1888, Gobat worked with the Inter-Parliamentary Unio (Inter-Parliamentary Union)n, founded by William Randal Cremer, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1903. In 1892 Gobat was president of the union's fourth conference, which was held in Bern and which founded the Bureau Interparlementaire. He served as general secretary of the bureau, an information office dealing with peace movements, international conciliation, and communication among national parliamentary bodies. The third conference of the union, held in Rome in 1891, established the International Peace Bureau, of which Gobat was director when it was awarded the peace prize.

      Among Gobat's books on international affairs and history is Le Cauchemar de l'Europe (1911; “The Nightmare of Europe”).

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