GIKATILLA (Chiquatilla), JOSEPH BEN ABRAHAM — (1248–c. 1325), Spanish kabbalist whose works exerted a profound and permanent influence on kabbalism. Gikatilla, who was born in Medinaceli, Castile, lived for many years in Segovia. Between 1272 and 1274 he studied under abraham abulafia , who… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla — (1248 ndash; after 1305) ( he. יוסף בן אברהם ג יקטיליה, es. Chiquitilla, the little ) was a Spanish kabbalist, student of Abraham Abulafia. Biography Born at Medinaceli, Old Castile, Gikatilla was for some time a pupil of the kabbalist Abraham… … Wikipedia
GIKATILLA (Chiquatilla/Chiquitilla), MOSES BEN SAMUEL HA-KOHEN — (11th century), Spanish Jewish liturgical poet, Hebrew translator, and grammarian. Born in Córdoba of good family, he lived principally in Saragossa and, it seems, traveled extensively. One of a group of youths favored and supported by samuel ha… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Joseph ben Ephraim Karo — Joseph Karo Artistic conception of Karo s appearance Born 1488 Toledo, Spain Died 24 March 1575 Safed Joseph ben Ephraim Karo, also … Wikipedia
Joseph Gikatilla — Abb. in „Portae Lucis“ (Die Pforten des Lichts) von Gikatilla: Mann, der einen Baum mit den zehn Sephiroth hält. Josef ben Abraham Gikatilla (* 1248 in Medinaceli; † 1305 oder 1325 (?) in Peñafiel) war ein spanischer Kabbalist … Deutsch Wikipedia
Moshe ibn Gikatilla — Moshe ben Samuel HaCohen ibn Gikatilla (ou Chiquitilla) est un rabbin, exégète, poète et grammairien hébraïque andalou de la fin du XIe siècle. Sommaire 1 Éléments biographiques 2 Œuvres 2.1 … Wikipédia en Français
Moïse ibn Gikatilla — Moshe ibn Gikatilla Moshe ben Samuel HaCohen ibn Gikatilla (ou Chiquitilla) est un rabbin, exégète, poète et grammairien hébraïque andalou de la fin du XIe siècle. Sommaire 1 Éléments biographiques 2 Œuvres … Wikipédia en Français
Josef Gikatilla — Abb. in „Portae Lucis“ (Die Pforten des Lichts) von Gikatilla: Mann, der einen Baum mit den zehn Sephiroth hält. Josef ben Abraham Gikatilla (auch Chiquitilla; * 1248 in Medinaceli; † 1305 oder 1325 (?) in Peñafiel) war ein spanischer Kabbalist … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hayyim ben Joseph Vital — (Calabria, 1543[1] – Damascus, 23 April 1620[2]) was a rabbi in Safed and the foremost disciple of Isaac Luria. He recorded much of his master s teachings. After Vital s death his writings spread having a powerful impact on various circles… … Wikipedia
KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism